Reproductive Citizens

Gender, Immigration, and the State in Modern France, 1880-1945

American Historical Association
J. Russell Major Prize for best book in French history


Society for French Historical Studies
David H. Pinkney Prize for most distinguished book
in French history


New York University,
Institute of French Studies
Laurence Wylie Prize in French Cultural Studies
for best book in French cultural or social studies


In the familiar tale of mass migration to France from 1880 onwards, we know very little about the hundreds of thousands of women who formed a critical part of those migration waves. In Reproductive Citizens, Nimisha Barton argues that their relative occlusion in the historical record hints at a larger and more problematic oversight: the role of sex and gender in shaping the experiences of migrants to France before the Second World War.

Barton's compelling history of social citizenship demonstrates how, through the routine application of social policies, state and social actors worked separately towards a shared goal: repopulating France with immigrant families. Filled with voices gleaned from census reports, municipal statistics, naturalization dossiers, court cases, police files, and social worker registers, Reproductive Citizens shows how France welcomed foreign-born men and women, mobilizing naturalization, family law, social policy, and welfare assistance to ensure they would procreate, bearing French-assimilated children. Immigrants often agreed to this bargain because they, too, stood to gain from pensions, family allowances, unemployment benefits, and French nationality. By striking this bargain, they were also guaranteed safety and stability on a tumultuous continent.

Barton concludes that, in return for generous social provisions and refuge in dark times, immigrants joined the French nation through marriage and reproduction, breadwinning and child-rearing—in short, through families and family-making—which made them more French than even formal citizenship status could.


Order Reproductive Citizens

In this clearly written and innovative study, Nimisha Barton illuminates how newcomers to metropolitan France deftly navigated welfare institutions. Highlighting the voices of ordinary women and men, Reproductive Citizens provides a fresh and welcome analysis of gender, welfare, and interwar pronatalism.

— Minayo Nasiali, UCLA, author of Native to the Republic

Reproductive Citizens is a wonderful book; its depth of research is particularly impressive. Barton breaks new ground on the relationship between gender and immigrant assimilation and highlights important implications for the controversy over the Third Republic's relationship to Vichy.

— Clifford Rosenberg, City College and the Graduate Center, CUNY, author of Policing Paris

Reproductive Citizens For Educators

Ideal for courses on Modern Europe and France; migration and citizenship; women gender and sexuality; urban history; social history; quantitative methods in history; history of the family; history of welfare and social policy


1. The Forces that Push and Pull
2. Bachelors, Bureaucrats, and Marrying into the Nation
3. Wives, Wages, and Regulating Breadwinners
4. Mothers, Welfare Organizations, and Reproducing for the Nation
5. Neighborhood, Street Culture, and Melting-Pot Mixité
6. Motherhood, Neighborhood, and Nationhood
7. Neighborly Networks and Welfare Work under Vichy

Read reviews of my book on H-France Forum.

For a quick read about the central themes of the book and its real world relevance, see here.

You can also learn more about my academic research on the New Books Network podcast series with Dr. Julia Gossard.

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